A Path to selecting and funding your college education
Guiding Your Next Step!
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Guiding Your Next Step!
Free 1-hour consultation about Dr. Scholarship Guide LLC. In this consultation, I explain my pedagogical approach and passion for education. I preview my educational products and workshop and motivational speaking engagements. This is ideal for high schools, other educational institutions, and organizations.
Dr. Scholarship Guide LLC offers a range of workshops that guide students through the scholarship application process. Workshops include individual scholarship plan creation, scholarship management system, and scholarship essay, and recommendation letter writing.
Dr. Samaiyah Jones Scott is available to motivate and inspire your students or families about college planning and scholarshipping. I explain how I funded three degrees, bachelor's, master's, and doctorate! I encourage students to believe that they can make proper plans for the future and reach their goals.
Individual Student Workbooks, offered in both print and digital versions.
Teacher's Guide and classroom curriculum, coming soon!
Students need individualized education, especially for college and career readiness. Dr. Scholarship Guide workbooks offer students and educators the opportunity to individualize the college selection and post-secondary educational funding experience.
Each student needs a streamlined and organized system to manage college and scholarship applications. Finally, a system that helps students manage tasks and stay on top of deadlines.
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